
Bringing people together through shared dining experiences

Our Services

Discover a wide range of social dining experiences with renowned chefs and restaurants

Social Dining
Food Delivery

Experience the joy of social dining or enjoy delicious meals delivered to your doorstep

man in green jacket riding bicycle on road during daytime
man in green jacket riding bicycle on road during daytime


facebook button pins
facebook button pins

Orddro has connected me with amazing people and unforgettable dining experiences

hands formed together with red heart paint
hands formed together with red heart paint

I love the convenience of ordering food from my favorite restaurants through Orddro

three person holding mug and glass with beverage inside
three person holding mug and glass with beverage inside

The social dining concept of Orddro has revolutionized my dining experiences

About Us

Orddro is a social dining aggregator platform that aims to bring people together through meaningful connections and shared dining experiences. We disrupt the food delivery industry by offering a unique blend of social dining and food delivery services.

a bunch of stickers that are on a wall
a bunch of stickers that are on a wall

Contact Us


+965 66634999 / +965 22203545/46/47